
Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Up to 25% OFF sci-fi Female Resistance Fighters range!

Come join the Resistance! Fight oppression! FREEDOM! For a limited time only, you can get up to 25% off the Resistance Fighter range.

Every items in the Female Resistance Fighters and Resistance Fighter Accessories ranges has been discounted. Every Resistance Fighter figure features separate, poseable heads and many have separate weapons, allowing different combinations of parts for more variety. As such, now is a great time to gather what you need to build your ideal, optimised Resistance Cell!

So whether you want Commissar Vespera Venko to lead your fighters or a full Resistance Cell, all items in the ranges are discounted and ready to go!

These offers will run until Sunday the 4th of November, or while stocks last. And be warned, stock is quite low on some items so don't delay and order today!

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