
Friday, 2 May 2014

Fantasy Adventurers Released and a new Pulp Alley Pre-Order

Statuesque Miniatures is pleased to announce the full release of our four Fantasy Adventurers, along with a Pre-Order deal for the next Pulp Alley expansion: Pulp Gadgets, Guns and Vehicles!

Priced from £4.75, Oorik the Barbarian, Misanter the Elf, Gomeril the Wizard and Lowri Lowrisson the Dwarf are now in stock and available individually or with a discount for purchasing all four characters. These four heroes will bravely venture into any dungeon in search of gold and glory so head over to the shop and pick them up now!

Also this month we have a Pre-Order deal for the next Pulp Alley expansion: Pulp Gadgets, Guns and Vehicles.

This thrilling expansion provides rules for BIG guns, strange gadgets, riding mounts, vehicles, custom modifications and much, much more. From dog-sleds to flying characters, and from aeroplanes to colossal walking robots, the Pulp Gadgets, Guns, and Vehicles book makes it fast and easy to add even more excitement to your Pulp Alley scenarios.

The Pulp Gadgets, Guns and Vehicles book is available at a special reduced Pre-Order price of £10.50, saving over 15% on the regular price. This offer runs until May 18th with an expected shipping date of May 19th.

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