
Friday, 30 August 2013

Lets flog some stock! 15% off selected items

I've a bit of overstock to clear, so how about a sale? Use the code SEPT at the checkout to get 15% off the Sale Items. This offer ends on Monday the 15th of September.

CLICK HERE to go to the Sale Items page.

The products included in the sale are Ezmeralda Tyke, Resistance Beret Heads, Resistance Officer Weapons and Resistance Gasmask Heads.

In other news, the prints for Mei-Lin and the Hong Kong Killer Fembots finally went off for mastering this week. The original Mei-Lin is very low on stock before she goes out of production, as is Inigo Wilde. If you want them, better grab them now as I don't know when they'll ever be available again!

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