
Wednesday, 10 May 2017

New Heroic Scale Female Heads NARROW 2 and Bald on sale now!

Statuesque Miniatures is pleased to announce the release of two new sets of Statuesque female heads.

Heroic Scale Female Heads NARROW 2 and Heroic Scale Female Heads NARROW – Bald add to the new range of narrower Heroic Scale heads.

Heroic Scale Female Heads NARROW 2 and Heroic Scale Female Heads NARROW – Bald are available as New Release Special Offers for only £4.25 each, saving over 10%.

These offers will run until Sunday the 21st of May , or while stocks last.

Whereas the SMA301-306 Heroic Scale range is great for converting heavily armoured space knights or troopers in fatiques and body armour, the SMA351-355 Heroic Scale Female Heads NARROW sets are designed specifically for converting heroic scale female figures, or more slight heroic scale figures in general.

Below, I've put together various test conversions using the Heroic Scale Female Heads NARROW sets to see what's possible. You can see more on the blog HERE.

Heroic Scale Female Heads Narrow on three Games Workshop plastic figures.

Heroic Scale Female Heads Narrow on Frostgrave plastic Cultists. A hole was drilled to match the width of the necks, giving a secure join.

Heroic Scale Female Heads Narrow on Fireforge plastic Foot Sergeants. Again, a hole was drilled for the neck attachment. The existing neck 'stub' on the bodies was removed with a scalpel.