
Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Oorik the Barbarian and Misanter the Elf by Andy Wedmore

I've got two adventurers to show you today, both painted by Andy Wedmore of Belly Miniatures. Again, I think he's done an amazing job.

First up, Oorik the Barbarian:

And he is joined by Misanter the Elf:

And finally, here are the four brave adventurers, ready to enter the deadly dungeon!

I can't wait to see these figures in person and I'm planning on making a wee display set up for photography. Something with a dungeon tile and some doors...

I should be receiving the production castings very soon, after which I'll send out all the pre-orders (a rather large task!) and then get the figures on general release.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Gomeril the Wizard by Andy Wedmore

Andy Wedmore of Belly Miniatures continues his progress through the fantasy adventurers. This time he's completed the wizard of the group - Gomeril.

I think he's done a great job again, really capturing the look I was going for when I sculpted him. I can't wait to see what he's made of Oorik the Barbarian and Misanter the Elf!

The Pre-Order allocation of the Fantasy Adventurers has now sold out. But don't worry as they will soon be available again on general sale, both individually and as a group.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Lowri Lowrisson by Andy Wedmore

One of the best things about being a miniatures sculptor is seeing your work finished by a painter. I get a kick out of this regardless of the skill of the painter as the fact someone has taken the time and effort to complete a figure I've sculpted is an honour in itself. When the painter is particularly skilled, it's really something special.

For the new fantasy range, I decided to treat myself and commissioned Andy Wedmore of Belly Miniatures paint up a set of the forthcoming Adventurers. He's just completed the dwarf and I think he's done a fantastic job, really capturing the look I imagined in my head when I was sculpting him.

Without further ado, Lowri Lowrisson:

Andy is working on the rest of the warband now and I for one can't wait to see the results!

We're down to the last few Pre-Order sets of the Adventurers, so thanks to everyone who's placed an order so far. And tomorrow the next adventurer will go off to the mould makers for the first stage of moulding. Fear the Dwarf Berserker!