
Sunday, 28 April 2013

Faceless Oppressor Troopers Preview


With the latest batch of figures sent to the printers earlier this week, I have been able to get back to work on the Faceless Oppressor range. I have now finished the basic trooper pack, though in a change from the original plan, this pack now contains four figures rather than three. With the two NCO figures, this means six unique poses even before the Heavy Weapon troops are included.

Each figure features a separate, poseable head and separate rifles which can be swapped with the weapons from the Special Weapon sprue - a flame thrower, grenade launcher, squad automatic weapon and an energy weapon. The renders show the figures on 25mm bases.

Next I will be finishing the NCO pack of two figures. They are already posed and nearing completion. Each figure will have a separate head as with the troopers and two separate arms. The arms will be able to be used on both figures allowing plenty of variety. I also plan to make a sprue of NCO weapons, such as laser pistols, energy pistols and possibly some close-combat weapons. Any ideas as to what to include would be much appreciated!

The original plan was to release the Troopers, NCOs and Heavy Weapon Teams at the same time. However, I think I will likely release the Troopers and NCOs first, giving me time to perfect the Heavy Weapon teams. It will be less of an outlay for me (and also for the customers!) but I intend to get the Heavy Weapon teams released as soon as possible after the initial launch.

The launch is still a few months away, with plenty of Resistance Fighter goodness still to come before then, but I'm really pleased to have completed this first stage of the preparation!


Andrew Rae

Friday, 19 April 2013

Statuesque @ Salute and FREE P&P Weekend!

I've mentioned it before but the full Statuesque Miniatures range will be at Salute with Fenris Games tomorrow! Head along to stand TB02 for all the great Fenris stuff, Bronze Age minis stuff and of course Statuesque Miniatures!

For those of you who, like me, won't be at Salute, we are offering FREE Postage and Packaging on all orders of £50 or more! This offer runs until Sunday night so head over to the Statuesque Miniatures store now to grab some girls.

Today also saw the first Statuesque Miniatures Newsletter. If you hadn't signed up to get it, you can view the Newsletter HERE (there may be a couple of sneak peeks in there...). Don't forget to sign up so you won't miss the next one!

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Are you going to Salute?

Unfortunately I won't be going myself, but Fenris Games will be stocking the entire Statuesque Miniatures range at Salute!

As I'm sure you know, Fenris is a great company specialising in quality resin bases and scenery as well as their own miniature range. In addition to their extensive range and the Statuesque Miniatures girls (and Inigo...), they will also be stocking Bronze Age Miniatures. All the more reason to head along to Stand TB02 on the 20th of April to check it all out!